Sunday, January 4, 2009

Flower Power

It all started innocently enough with a request from a friend to teach her how to make flowers out of yarn. I said sure, whenever she had time (mind you, I really had no interest in making flowers, I was just being nice). I was in the library a couple of days later and found Nicky Epstein's Crocheted Flowers and thought it would be the perfect place to start. I sat down to test out a pattern or two and haven't really stopped. I'm not sure I can stop, it's a bit addicting and there's always one more flower to try or one more bit of yarn that would be perfect for that sunflower and gee, wouldn't it be fun to make all the flowers for my June wedding. And with the holidays, I could make holly for all the presents. Here's a sample of the addiction to date. They are so fast and so fun that when I needed a handmade gift for a party this afternoon, I sat down and cranked out this necklace while my bread for the potluck was rising. I have a ton of work to do but all I want to do is make flowers. Someone help me!